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Notice to Cornwall Manor 
Occupants/Share Holders from Cornwall Owners Corp.

Winter Snow Plowing Procedure

Please Be Aware: 

As you are already aware, the Complex is changing several procedures to better deal with our snow removal process. We observed several issues that seemed to be causing most of the problems. They are as follows:

Some residents did come out when snow removal teams would blow horns to alert occupants of their arrival (we thank those of you that did; it was the procedure you were asked to do). The majority did not come out, which left those that did in a useless situation. Trucks cannot plow across the lots in any way meaningfully if most residents have not moved their cars.  
Plowing individual spots, as a system, is time consuming and not possible in a Complex of this size, considering we have several hundred vehicles. If you think that out and multiply times the number of vehicles involved; it is clear why this cannot work. 
Some believe if they move their cars to the other side of the property to allow the lot to be plowed, someone will take their spot before they return. Some have legitimate reasons for not moving, such as, they are out of town, or they work at home and cannot come immediately, etc. 

As a result of all the above, please be made aware of the following procedure: 

Snow vendors will come in to start clean ups within an hour of the slowing down of major precipitation of a storm. They will come in periodically during heavier storms. From 7am till dusk, snow vendors will come in to do more extensive cleanup of the parking areas. They will proceed to do this one lot at a time. They will blow their horn in multiples to make residents aware they need them to move their cars. At that time, residents in that lot are to move their cars to parallel park on the right side of the main thru fare (right side as you would leave the complex) until the lot is cleared, end to end, eliminating the problem of ridges of ice between cars. 

Please make sure one side of the thru fare is left clear and open for alternating in and out traffic until your lot is clear (occupants can stay close to lots they move from so they can see when spots are ready). This will be done per lot, as anything larger will not work. Residents, who do not want to move because they believe they can find their own way or know they will not be available at the storms end, must move cars in advance of the storm, to the back side lots, by dumpsters next to Route 9W, until snow clearing procedures are complete. 

This presents the fairest plan for all involved. These are group parking lots and residents must look at this as a group issue, not individual issue. This will provide a reasonable way for everyone to do what they should. 

Unfortunately, we may have some that see this as not their problem and they will not move their parked cars, creating an obstacle in the middle of everything. Your agreement to the By-Laws upon entering the Complex and your agreement to have your guests do the same, make you responsible for adhering to the regulations to accomplish the orderly and safe operation of the property. Please do not make yourself subject to enforceable fines and penalties that will be necessary, upon violation. Please contact us with any questions you may have. We thank you in advance for cooperating to make this a simple rather than more difficult matter.

Thank You,

Cornwall Owners Corp.









Cornwall Manor would like to extend a new year’s greeting to all of our new members along with all of our good long-term residents and shareholders. Our residents' sense of community will always make this a good place to come home to for years to come. Going forward please make an effort to regularly check in on the website to review new developments that may be of interest to you. As always, please feel free to contact us with anything we may be able to assist you with. Please review the below subject matter to acquaint you more with some day-to-day issues that have importance to the community. 

Snow Removal Both you and us!
This season we have a new snow removal vendor for the property. We would like to get the season off to a good start by asking for everyone’s cooperation. We have informed the vendor that when he is entering an area to plow parking areas, he is to blow the horn. This is to inform residents to come out and move their cars in that area so spots can be cleared in a safe manner. This becomes impossible if cars are not moved from the area. We need your help to create a safe environment for your parking convenience. Please cooperate.

Garbage and Refuse Disposal (We create fair communities by being fair ourselves!)
We make significant efforts to establish systems that are effective, yet fair to all our community members. Waste disposal is no exception. Normal household refuse, in bags, is to go in the brown dumpsters. Orange County listed recyclables are to go in the co-mingled green dumpsters. Your community funds pay for this. Community funds do not pay for remodeling construction debris, cast off furniture, or anything other than normal household trash. We have helped occupants responsibly dispose of these materials, who understand it is only fair that they pay for extra items they choose to dispose of. We thank them for their cooperation. Any occupants attempting to have the community pay for the disposal of large bulk personal items will be fined for theft of services and disposal costs. Any questions, just contact us and we will help.

Renovation Procedures and Structural Repairs 
The last several months you have heard many different things regarding how to treat the wall materials in your unit if you plan to make any renovations, or have experienced repair problems caused by an unfortunate surprise leak, etc. The Complex has approached this situation like any other problem the Co-op has experienced in the past. A process has been developed that satisfies all necessary regulations, while keeping cost and labor issue within workable practical parameters. If you decide you would like to proceed with any alterations of your unit or see a problem with repairs being necessary, please contact the Co-op before you proceed with any work of any kind involving sheetrock. It is also a requirement of the By-law rules for all shareholders to do so. The Co-op will make every effort to make this process go smoothly for both you and Cornwall Manor.

What Do We All Want?
By now, most of you have received a phone survey from the Co-op asking you issue was the one you would appreciate the most improvement on. The leading choice was more improvement in the laundry facility. Second choice was an update on older windows in the units. Third, more accessible dumpster facilities. The fourth highest choice was improved night lighting. This included requests for lighting the porches by resident entry doors. There were other good choices, but these requests received the most support for improvement. 
The Co-op will do its best to see if we can do something about these requests. Please look for other monthly information on this site. Do not forget your 1098 package with any other end of year materials comes out in February. Also, thanks to all of you that attended the year-end Annual Meeting. This is what a Co-op is about. 

Contact information is:  
Mailing Address: Cornwall Owners Corp, 367 Windsor Highway, New Windsor, NY, 12553, 


Phone Number: 845-438-0281, Emergency Number: 845-430-5196, 


Thank You!  Cornwall Owners Corp. 

General Information to the Community

Please follow the easy points below to avoid parking miscommunications. These rules are to ensure parking for all residents fairly, while considering the limitations of the facility. Your cooperation insures your rights as well as the other residents.

  • ​Please be sure to place your parking sticker in a visible place on your vehicle(s). 
  • Vehicles parked in red lots must have red stickers
  • Vehicles parked in blue lots over three days must have red or blue stickers.
  • Any visitors parking in the lots over three days without stickers must have Co-op's permission or be subject to towing.
  • Parking in thru-fare road is only allowed for 15 minutes or less, with flashers on for unloading, etc. or be subject to towing.
  • Make sure children are properly supervised and if possible, using the playground facility.
  • Children are not to play in thru-fare below the first turn off after entering the Complex. 

Thank You for cooperating in protecting your and all members ability to use the roadways responsibly.

Cornwall Owners Corp.​

Easy Living for All